noto satoyama satoumi meister training program

Lecture 3: Global partnership through Satoyama conservation and advancement

Lecture 3: Global partnership through Satoyama conservation and advancement

Lesson 1. Kanazawa University’s initiatives for revitalization of local communities in Satoyama

Lesson 2. Capacity building towards Satoyama and Satoumi revitalization: the “Noto Satoyama Satoumi Meister” Training  Program

Lesson 3. Voice of trainees in the “Noto Satoyama Satoumi Meister” Training Program

Lesson 4. Collaboration between Noto, Japan and Ifugao, the Philippines through human capacity building

Lesson 5. “Ifugao Satoyama Meister” Training Program: human capacity building in the Philippines

Lesson 6. Activities of “Ifugao Satoyama Meister” Training Program trainees